
You can call me Jack!

 I suppose an introduction is in order?! Hi there, I am Jack and I walk the line delicately balancing on the razor's edge between worlds.  In ancient times I might even have been considered a powerful mystic because power flows to things in between. I was born visually impaired, What they call legally blind. Let's stop here, because I know the only word you saw in that sentence was: Blind Go back and reread it. Pretty much anyone wearing glasses or contacts is considered legally blind.  I coasted through life to age 7 before it was discovered more on that later...  My vision cannot be fixed due to the cause.  So to simplify I am permanently nearsighted. Caught between the world of the blind and the world of the sighted.  Walking this space has left me a little jaded but I deal with that by being a sarcastic smartass. I am a huge Nerd, I love cartoons, videogames and have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I have been to the bottom of the deepest and darkest depression and cl